Floorball – coach for the right reasons

With the way most of our live and work these days, we have an increasingly isolated lifestyle. We sprint from our homes to our jobs, and then from our jobs to the grocery store, or to our children’s schools… and then if we’re lucky, from there to a quick dinner before collapsing into the sofa or bed, so we can get some sleep before the next day’s race. There is never time to become part of our community, never really time to do more than survive?

Coaching Young floorball players allows us to be part of the answer. Study after study has shown that when children are involved in organized activities like in floorball teams, they do better in school and within their families. So the real question isn’t how can we make time for this, it’s more like, how can we not make time for this?

Floorball practice shooting drill

I think we’ve all met the bad coach, the unreasonable guy who treats eight year olds like they are adult men in a NHL team. But we’ve also met the guy who motivates his floorball players to try new things in life, and to learn about self confidence and teamwork. You know… he’s the guy that we aspire to be, the one who generates respect from his players and their families. It really isn’t that hard… if you are coaching for the right reasons.

Floorball feedback, value it

and, always… coach for the right reasons. You are not involved with children in order to make all of them floorball superstars or national team heroes, you are coaching them into being better people …besides developing theire floorball skills.


Floorball Breakout Practice

Break outs in floorball tend sometimes to be a bit static, at least in my “hockey” eyes. Three players are passing the ball to each other in a triangle near own goal and after a while a long pass on chance towards the two top forwards. This is visualized in the floorball game picture below. The opposite team is just passive and can easily keep a correct positioning.

Breakout Floorball passing triangle

Do you recognize the set up? Do you agree?

Floorball breakout option with more movement involved

What if… we start to be more active, move a little bit more and force the opposite team to do the same…

Breakout option in floorball

D1 passes the ball to D2. D2 starts to move towards the border, D1 moves into the position of D2, D2 passes the ball to D1 in centre and continues the running towards the border. P1 runs into the centre and either the opposite teams offensive player will follow him to the middle and we have a free space for a pass to D1 (pass B). If the opposite player decides not follow P1, P1 will be free in the middle (pass A). The two top forwards will switch positions and create confusion for the defensemen on how to act.

The next passing options will be:
If A then A1 or A2 (or D1 at border, not visualized in the drawing).
If B then B1 or B2.

Could this work, what do you think?

Floorball set up / system 2-2-1, 1-2-2, 1-3-1 and 2-1-2

Floorball game systems and set ups like 2-2-1, 1-2-2, 1-3-1 and 2-1-2 are basically only visible when the floorball team has lost the ball and changed from attack to defense, or are just changing from defense to attack, that will say in a fast counter attack in a floorball game.

1-2-2 in Floorball

I will add a few examples of the different constellations and floorball set ups, such as 2-2-1, 1-2-2, 1-3-1 and 2-1-2. The set ups can be played in many ways, for example, offensive, defensive, and right or the left-weighted.

2-1-2 in Floorball

Systems can also vary depending on the floorball team, coaches, players, and their given roles, so for example 2-2-1 found on this page does not need to be the same as how all floorball teams and coaches will play 2-2-1, these are just my examples.

Images are marked with green areas, the plan is to win the ball primary in that area. Red areas represent dangerous or game system / design / set up weaknesses.

So far I have not added either text or a description for the set ups, but I’ll do it over
time, so please return to the page, I will also add various openings / break outs in
floorball, or the small golden details which will help you break the different floorball