Floorball Goalie Trainer or Goal Scoring Coach, Part 4

…Floorball Goalie Trainer or Goal Scoring Coach, Part 4
In hockey, one of the teams in Sweden on elite level has created their own shooting center to improve the goal scoring and shooting skills… fully appliccable to floorball.

Most of the teams also have special practices for goalies, during the weeks or months, but this team also have special practices for goal scoring!

Floorball practice shooting drill

During this shooting or goal scoring practice, the rink is divided into two areas, one for the offensive players and one for the defensive players. Each zone has four drills running at the same time.

1. Running in from the border “Shoot in the middle of the step”
2. Pass from one side, shoot directly at the other post
3. 2 vs. 0 – rebound – Shot from defensive player
4. Goalie freezed in right position, player tries to find the spots to score goal, by looking at the angle of the ball.

Defensive players
1. Pass vertically and a shot.
2. Pass from corner to a defensive player running towards the goal, shot.
3. Pass from the “pocket” (along the border), and shot.
4. A forward in front of the goal hold the stick up from the floor for shot on goal, or on the floor to make the defensive player to shoot for stearing the shot.

So, what if, we would put in as much effort as in training the goalies, to score goals and improve the shooting skills in floorball we would have really good goal scorers and snipers in floorball. Maybe we should also focus on goal scoring coaches / trainers?

This is the end for this theme, will be starting up a new one…

Floorball Breakout Practice

Break outs in floorball tend sometimes to be a bit static, at least in my “hockey” eyes. Three players are passing the ball to each other in a triangle near own goal and after a while a long pass on chance towards the two top forwards. This is visualized in the floorball game picture below. The opposite team is just passive and can easily keep a correct positioning.

Breakout Floorball passing triangle

Do you recognize the set up? Do you agree?

Floorball breakout option with more movement involved

What if… we start to be more active, move a little bit more and force the opposite team to do the same…

Breakout option in floorball

D1 passes the ball to D2. D2 starts to move towards the border, D1 moves into the position of D2, D2 passes the ball to D1 in centre and continues the running towards the border. P1 runs into the centre and either the opposite teams offensive player will follow him to the middle and we have a free space for a pass to D1 (pass B). If the opposite player decides not follow P1, P1 will be free in the middle (pass A). The two top forwards will switch positions and create confusion for the defensemen on how to act.

The next passing options will be:
If A then A1 or A2 (or D1 at border, not visualized in the drawing).
If B then B1 or B2.

Could this work, what do you think?

1-2-2 Floorball Set up / System

1-2-2 Floorball Set up / System – Normal or Offensive

1-2-2 Salibandy Normaali tai Hyökkäävä Asetelma

In a 1-2-2 floorball system, for me the D2 player will be the most important both in defense, but also in building up your offensive plays.

1-2-2 Defensive Floorball Set up / System

1-2-2 Salibandy Puolustava Asetelma

1-2-2 Floorball Set up / System securing the centre / middle

1-2-2 Salibandy Keskustan varmistava Asetelma

If you have centrally strong opponent, you can try to pull in your players more centrally to force out the other team to the sides.

1-2-2 Floorball V-Set up / V-System

1-2-2 Salibandy V-Asetelma

1-2-2 in V-formation will close the borders and force the opposite team in to the middle. Situations in the middle will be really tight and you need to be careful with the positioning of your teams players, be on the right side all the time between your own goal and your opponent.