Youth / Childrens Floorball Practices and Drills

Salibandyn mailatekniikka / harhautusharjoite oikealla

6-10 V. Pallonhallinta ja harhautus salibandyharjoite

In the youth or childrens floorball practice to the right the players are practicing ball control and stickhandling. Players make a couple of short moves before two long moves with the stick and the ball, and after that a shot in to the goal.

When the players have taken the shot, they pick up the ball again and practice feints on the way back. The feints they can practice, can be a passing feint, shot feint or a body feint to start up with some basic dekes.

Running four floorball practices at the same time

By splitting up the rink / floor in small parts you can have like in this example four floorball practices up and running at the same time. You can run both floorball practices in this drill drawing at one end and therefore have many active young floorball players at the same time.

Floorball game drill 2 vs. 0, 2-1 or 1-1

Salibandy peliharjoite 2 vastaan 0

Floorball drill to the left. P1 runs with ball at the border and makes a turn towards the border. P2 runs past and receives a pass from P1 at the short end. P2 break in front of the goal and takes a shot. P1 takes P2 position and the floorball drill starts over again.

…or P1 runs into the middle and receives a pass from the P2 que, P1 takes a shot.

…or P1 runs into the middle and receives a pass from the P2 que, P2 and comes up after his/her shot and P1 and P2 play 1 on 1 towards the goal.

Floorball practice to the right

P1 runs with the ball at the border and turns towards the centre and creates therefore space for P2 at the border. P2 runs behind P1, P1 passes the ball to P2, who takes a shot or passes the ball back to P1 who takes the shot.

Make the floorball drill to the right 2-1 or 2-2

You can add one or two defensemen into this floorball practice to make it 2 vs 1 or 2 vs 2. The defensive players can follow P1 and P2 or meet up from the short end.

Fake a pass to the border

P1 can also make a pass feint towards the border and continue with the ball in the middle and take the shot. P2 goes then for the rebound.

2-0, 3-1, 3-2 or 3-3 Drills / Practices

Salibandy peliharjoitteet hyökkäysharjoite

Make the above floorball practices to 2–0, 3-1, 3-2 or 3–3. This is a description of how to change basic practices described in yesterdays post.

2 vs 0 floorball drill, option 1

Make the floorball drill to the left to a 2 vs 0 practice by removing the defensemen from the drill. In that case P2 receives the pass and moves in front of the goal to take a shot, or why not practice a Zorro-move when coming from behind the goal.

3 vs. 1 floorball drill, option 2

Make the floorball practice 3 vs 1 by adding a defensemen who follows P1, P2 or passively disturbs the defensemen.

3 vs 2 floorball drill, option 3

Make the floorball practice 3 vs 2 by adding two defensemen who follows P1 and P2

3 vs 3 floorball practice, option 4

You can also make the floorball drill to a 3 vs 3 drill by adding defensemen who follows each offensive player (including the defensemen). You can say that in that case you have three 1 on 1 situations where you need to beat the opponent in order to be successful. The defensive players can be passive in the beginning, just marking their presence.

3 vs 3 floorball practice, option 5

3 vs 3 can also be done like this. Make the first moves like in the floorball drill drawing. When the defensemen receives the pass three defensemen step in to the practice and they play 3 on 3 until the “ball is dead”, by that I mean the ball is in goal, the goalie has the ball or the defensemen has passed the ball to “P1” the next in line to start up the drill.

Floorball game drills and offensive practices

Salibandy peliharjoitteet hyökkäysharjoite

Offensive floorball practices and drills – to the left

The floorball practice to the left starts with player 1 running with the ball towards the short end. P2 runs to the short on the other side of the goal. P1 passes the ball to P2, who turns around with the ball and passes on the ball to the defensemen. The defensemen takes a couple of steps with the ball and shoots. P1 and P2 goes for the area in front of the posts for rebounds.

Floorball practice /drill to the right

The floorball drill to the right follows the same pattern as the practice above or to the left. The difference is in that the defensemen does not take the shot, but he/she makes a diagonal pass to P1 instead, who takes the shot. After the pass D1 takes a new ball and takes a shot from distance. P1 and P2 in front of the goal, to make mask for the goalie and to pick up possible rebounds.

Change this floorball drill to 3-0, 2-0, 3-1, 3-2 or 3-3 practice

I will describe how you can change this drill to a 3-0, 2-0, 3-1, 3-2 or 3-3 practice in the next post in this floorball blog, welcome back tomorrow…

Floorball Shooting Practices and Drills

Salibandy laukaisu harjoitukset

Floorball shooting drill / practice to the left

Player 1 starts running, receives a pass from player 2 and takes a shot. After this P2 takes a close shot. The same practice pattern is repeated from the other side.

Add shots to the floorball practice

You can also add a player/shooter in the middle between players 1 and 4. In that case the shots in the floorball practice are 1, 2 and the player in the middle. This is great floorball goalie drill, where the floorball goalie needs to shift focus between short and long distance shots.

Floorball shot drill with a player in front of the goalie

If you have added an extra shooter to the floorball drill, you can move the P2 in front of the goalie after he/she has taken the shot and before the player in the middle takes the shot.