Make the above floorball practices to 2–0, 3-1, 3-2 or 3–3. This is a description of how to change basic practices described in yesterdays post.
2 vs 0 floorball drill, option 1
Make the floorball drill to the left to a 2 vs 0 practice by removing the defensemen from the drill. In that case P2 receives the pass and moves in front of the goal to take a shot, or why not practice a Zorro-move when coming from behind the goal.
3 vs. 1 floorball drill, option 2
Make the floorball practice 3 vs 1 by adding a defensemen who follows P1, P2 or passively disturbs the defensemen.
3 vs 2 floorball drill, option 3
Make the floorball practice 3 vs 2 by adding two defensemen who follows P1 and P2
3 vs 3 floorball practice, option 4
You can also make the floorball drill to a 3 vs 3 drill by adding defensemen who follows each offensive player (including the defensemen). You can say that in that case you have three 1 on 1 situations where you need to beat the opponent in order to be successful. The defensive players can be passive in the beginning, just marking their presence.
3 vs 3 floorball practice, option 5
3 vs 3 can also be done like this. Make the first moves like in the floorball drill drawing. When the defensemen receives the pass three defensemen step in to the practice and they play 3 on 3 until the “ball is dead”, by that I mean the ball is in goal, the goalie has the ball or the defensemen has passed the ball to “P1” the next in line to start up the drill.