Floorball Goalie Trainer or Goal Scoring Coach

You can have a Floorball Head Coach, assistant coach, defense coach, goalie trainer and other coaching or support functions around the floorball team, but who is the goal scoring coach or trainer?

Floorball goal scoring coach or goalie trainer

This subject was discussed during the International Hockey Coaching Symposium I attended during the World Championships in ice hockey in Sweden / Finland, together with all the Swedish Elite hockey coaches.

Torgny Bendelin, a famous Swedish hockey coach talked about this topic. Hockey and also floorball on elite level is changing, the game is faster, harder, quicker and the time players have to make their decissions is reduced to a minimum.

In hockey and I think also in floorball a lot of time has been put in to develop the skills of the goalies, with help from special goalie trainers. The goalies are good in positioning and working with different angles towards the shooter.

Floorball goalie drills or shooting practices

Therefore the players need to:
– Shoot quickly or quicker than before
– Shoot with precision
– Shoot hard/fast
– “Hide” the shot
– Shoot unannounced

These are the areas you also need to practice if you want to be a good future goal scorer in floorball.

This topic will continue in later posts…

Floorball warm up practice – Change positions

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Floorball warm up practices – Change position up to the right (a)

P1 starts the floorball warm up practice, by running with the ball towards the border, P2 runs behind P1. P1 passes the ball to P2 who takes the shot, both players goes for the rebound.

Four Options to the floorball warm up practice – Shot, pass and 2 vs 1

1. P1 doesn’t pass, P1 shoots and P2 goes for the rebound.
2. P1 passes and P2 passes back P1 shoots. With this option the floorball goalie also gets good practice in moving from side to side or post to post.
3. Add a defensemen who starts in the middle or meets up the two forwards and you have a simple 2 on 1 floorball practice.
4. Start the floorball drill from the corner or from the border, from left or right.

Floorball Shooting Practices and Drills

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Floorball shooting drill / practice to the left

Player 1 starts running, receives a pass from player 2 and takes a shot. After this P2 takes a close shot. The same practice pattern is repeated from the other side.

Add shots to the floorball practice

You can also add a player/shooter in the middle between players 1 and 4. In that case the shots in the floorball practice are 1, 2 and the player in the middle. This is great floorball goalie drill, where the floorball goalie needs to shift focus between short and long distance shots.

Floorball shot drill with a player in front of the goalie

If you have added an extra shooter to the floorball drill, you can move the P2 in front of the goalie after he/she has taken the shot and before the player in the middle takes the shot.

Floorball Shot practices / Shooting drills

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Floorball shooting practices – Floorball Drill to the right

Player 1 starts the floorball excercise by running with the ball and taking a shot from the border. P1 heads for goal to catch a possible rebound, after that P1 takes a new ball behind the goal, and makes a pass to P2 in front of the goal, who takes a shot. P2 continues to corner to pick up a new ball and passes it to the next “P1” player. The floorball drill is repeated like in the beginning…

Make the floorball practice to the right (2-1 or 3-1)

Add a pass option and make the floorball drill as 2 vs 1 or 3 vs 1.

1. You can include one or two more players to this floorball drill. One player follows P1 and goes for the rebound, after this he/she defends against P1 and P2 (2-1 situation).

2. Two players comes out from the corner, one player goes like in the drill drawing and the second one goes straight to the first post. P1 choose who to pass to. The added player in the first sequence (above) works with defense (3 vs. 1). Player that has taken the shot picks up a new ball in the corner and passes the player who did not take the shot, that player pass up the ball to “P1” and the floorball drill starts over again.