Training Tomorrows Floorball Players – …When you increase your floorball players “bandwidth” during the floorball practices, with challenging multitasking drills with reduced time you actually do the opposite for the feeling of the game, you slowdown the game for them thanks to higher “bandwidth”. This is exactly the purpose of this book, to give you the understanding, tools and methods to increase the “bandwidth”, with nonlinear or multidimensional floorball drills and coaching for all of your players.
Train Floorball at Home – Train floorball at home is a book for floorball players in all ages, who are ready train extra by their own, in other words for floorball players with big floorball heart, but also for floorball parents, who wants to support their child to develop in floorball, by practicing extra at home. Are you motivated to practice extra and want to learn more, and know what and how to practice floorball at home? In that case, in this book you will get training tips, drills for shooting, skill drills, but also physical exercises and coordination training you can perform at home.
Floorball Practices and Drills – All the floorball drills are drawn, so you can use it on different parts or in different sizes of the training area (full rink or as a small station), with an explanation to each drill.
This is a goldmine of Swedish and Finnish floorball drills and knowledge! More than 800 floorball drills.