Every experienced floorball coach can tell you about leadership tricks that they have learned over the years as floorball coaches. They’ll tell you about how they motivate their floorball players, how they establish discipline and rules and most of the floorball coaches will even be able to give you a few tricks about how to deal with the referees. When they are done, you’ll be left with one conclusion, most of what they are discussing comes down to communication. Good floorball coaches communicate well, what a concept! 😉 You’d think that this would be obvious, but so many floorball coaches, not just floorball coaches, coaches in other sports struggle with this as well, on a regular basis. Many coaches think that they ought to automatically get respect in their role as a coach from their players and the game officials, but like most things, they have to learn to earn it. Good communication skills will accelerate this process. Take a look at the leadership model this can be applied on communication as well or the body language material