Floorball drills and practices for 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 year old

6-10 V. Pallonhallinta ja harhautus salibandyharjoite

Floorball ball control / stickhandling drill for children / youth players – to the left

The floorball drill to left starts with the player taking a ball and making a long move to the sides, moving the ball behind the cones, this is repeated three times and after that the player takes a shot into the goal.

Make use of the way back

Usually the practices are ended after a shot, but I think it’s good to give your players missions or tasks to perform when they return to the starting position. In the floorball drill to left I have put in running backwards with the ball back to the que, but you can also make your players practice a feint / deke or their coordination skills.

Floorball and Hockey from a player perspective

If you have the opportunity or possibility to combine floorball and hockey practices as a player, I think you should do it, that’s my recommendation based on earlier posts. You as a player will benefit from it in both in hockey and floorball, since the two sports are very similar, requiring similar skills in stickhandling, game understanding, body contact, strength etc.

Hockey vs Floorball

Make the choice between the sports later, both floorball and hockey are fantastic games and can be combined and will strengthen your skills as a player in both sports.

Make the choice between the sports later, when you are older, depending on what you like or sometimes what you have the best skills for.

Floorball practices – passing drills and stickhandling

Salibandy Syöttö / Syöttely harjoitus

Floorball practice, Player 1 – Stickhandling drill

Floorball stickhandling and ball controlling practice. P1 runs with the ball towards the cone on the left or right, small quick steps sideways between the cones. P1 get ready for next practice…

Floorball drill, Players 2 and 3 – Passing practice

Floorball passing drill with a couple of passes between the cones before the excercise is ended up with a shot in goal.

Floorball practice, Players 4 and 5 – Give and Go passes

Give and go floorball practice drill. Quick and short passes between the cones.

Floorball Skill drills – Finnish Skill test

Floorball skill test from Finnish Floorball Association. Pick floorball drills or use it on your floorball practice.

Get the Floorball skill test drill drawings from here >>

Top 50 for the Finninsh Floorball skill test will be found here >> (no times registered yet, Pojat = Boys and Tytöt = Girls)

Floorball Stickhandling and ball control drills / Practices

Salibandy Mailatekniikka ja Pallonhallintaharjoitus

Floorball stickhandling and ball controlling practice to the left

The floorball ball handling drill to the left starts with P1 running with the ball, P1 makes short moves between the cones, this is followed by a long move, and the floorball drill is ended up with shot into the goal.

Floorball stickhandling practice to the right

The floorball practice to the right starts with P2 running with the ball in control towards the first cone. Between the cones the player moves sideways and keeps the head up towards the goal. The floorball practice is ended up with shot into the goal.