Floorball game drills and situations 3-0, 2-1, 2-2, 3-1 and 3-2

Salibandy peliharjoite pelitilanteet 3-0, 4-0, 3-1,3-2,4-2

3-0 Floorball practice to the right

Player 1 starts the floorball practice by running with ball towards the defensemen, the defensemen moves to the border and receives a pass from P1. P1 heads for the area in front of the goal, meanwhile D1 passes the ball to P2 , P2 immediately passes the ball to P1, who will shoot the ball into goal.

Make the floorball drill to the right a 2-1 practice

The floorball practice drill is performed as in the basic set up, but you can add a defensive player from the other corner. D1 will not be part of the floorball drill after the pass, therefore the situation will be 2 vs 1 in front of the goal.

Make the floorball practice to the right a 2-2 drill

The floorball practice drill is performed as in the basic set up, but you will add a defensive player from the opposite corner and one defensive player following P1. D1 will not be part of the floorball drill after the pass, therefore the situation will be 2 vs 2 in front of the goal.

Make the floorball practice to the right a 3-1 drill

The floorball practice drill is performed as in the basic set up, but you will add a defensive player from the opposite corner. D1 is part of the floorball drill after the pass, therefore the situation will be 3 vs 1.

Make the floorball practice drill to the right a 3-2 situation

The floorball practice drill is performed as in the basic set up, but you will add a defensive player from the opposite corner and one defensive player following P1. D1 is part of the floorball drill after the pass, therefore the situation will be 3 vs 2.

Floorball drills and practices 3-0, 4-0, 3-2, 4-2, 4-3 and 2-0

Salibandy pelitilanteet ja harjoitteet 3-0, 4-0

3 vs 0 Floorball practice to left

In the floorball drill to the right P1 starts running with ball from the corner, P3 leaves his/her position in front of the goal, and meets P1. P1 continues his/her running behind the goal and passes the ball to P2. P2 runs with the ball towards the short end, P1 takes P2 position. P2 passes the ball to P3 who has returned back in front of the goal. P3 shoots the ball into the goal. P4 is not part of the drill if you practice it 3 vs 0.

Add a pass to the floorball drill

After a while you can add a pass in this drill, when P2 meet P1, P2 passes to P1, P1 passes to P3, P3 takes the shot on goal.

Change the 3-0 floorball practice

Or P1 does not pass the ball to P3, instead P1 turns around and takes the shot, P2 and P3 are in front of the goal to pick up rebounds.

4 vs 0 floorball practice to the left

You perform the floorball drill as described in the first step, but you add P4 as one option for the pass from P2, the shot will then come from P3 or P4.

Change the floorball drill to a 3-2, 4-2 or 4-3 situation

Add two or three defensemen to the floorball practice drill to get a 3-2, 4-2 or 4-3 situation. The defensemen will follow players 1, 2 and/or 3.

2 vs 0 floorball practice (left)

You can also make a 2-0 situation of this floorball practice. In that case you do the floorball drill as the drawing shows until the pass to P2. After P1 has made the pass he/she turn around and goes behind the goal the sam way he/she has come, P2 passes the ball to P1 in front of the goal. P1 shoots the ball into the net. If you do the practice this way P3 and P4 are not included at all in the floorball practice.

Floorball Warm Up drill – Shot from the border and checking

Salibandy lämmittelyharjoitus vetoja laidasta

Floorball warm up practice down to the left (b)

The floorball drill is started by P1 running in from the border, he/she takes a shot, after the shot, there is an imagined break-out for the opponent, therefore P1 runs backwards in the middle. Then he/she forechecks (imagined players / break out) and wins the ball in the corner. P1 picks up a new ball in the corner. P2 runs down and receives a short pass by the border and takes a shot from the angle. P2 repeats the same patterna as P1 has done towards the other corner.

Floorball warm up practice down to the left (b) add a pass

The floorball practice can also be performed like above, but when P1 forechecks towards the corner, P1 receives a pass from P2 instead of picking up a new ball in the corner.

Floorball warm up practice down to the left (b), make it 1 vs 1

You could also run this floorball drill as a one on one drill. Remove the pass in the corner and make the P1 play defense against P2 in the second sequence. Then P1 can do the running also facing the opposite goal (up – down to the corner – up to meet the offensive player)

2-1 Floorball warm up practice down to the left (b)

To change and develop the floorball drill further into a 2-1 situation, you can start with two players where P1 starts, the player following P1 goes for the rebound and picks up the new ball, which he/she will lose after the forecheck from P1 after that he/she will play 1-2 against P1 and P2.

Floorball drills for 6 to 10 year old – 2 vs. 0, 1-1 and 2-1

6-10 vuotiaiden 2 vastaan 0 salibandyharjoite

A simple 2 vs 0 floorball practice for young / youth players (children).

The floorball practice to the left starts in a 1 vs 1 situation. Coach makes a short pass, which also is the start signal for the players. The players will compete to the ball and the player reaching it first, passes it back to the coach.
After that both players continue to the other side and go 2-0 towards the goalie. One of the players pick up the ball and run with it towards the short end, the other player without the ball runs towards the goal. The player with ball passes the ball to the player in front of the goalie, who shoots.

Floorball drill to the right

The floorball drill to the right is performed the same way as in the example to the left, except the coach passes the ball back to the players and they go 2-0 against the goalie.

Make the youth floorball drill 1-1 or 2-1

Both floorball practices can be changed into a 1 vs 1 floorball drill. Instead of passing each other, one of the players is attacking and the other one is defending.

You can also change the drill into a 2 vs 1 floorball practice by adding a defensive player that follows the first two players in the first sequence and is the defensemen in the last part of the drill.

Add more passes or change positions

Now the floorball drill is in a very simple and basic format, but you can also add more passes to the drill or make the players change positions when going towards the goal.

Floorball game drill 2 vs. 0, 2-1 or 1-1

Salibandy peliharjoite 2 vastaan 0

Floorball drill to the left. P1 runs with ball at the border and makes a turn towards the border. P2 runs past and receives a pass from P1 at the short end. P2 break in front of the goal and takes a shot. P1 takes P2 position and the floorball drill starts over again.

…or P1 runs into the middle and receives a pass from the P2 que, P1 takes a shot.

…or P1 runs into the middle and receives a pass from the P2 que, P2 and comes up after his/her shot and P1 and P2 play 1 on 1 towards the goal.

Floorball practice to the right

P1 runs with the ball at the border and turns towards the centre and creates therefore space for P2 at the border. P2 runs behind P1, P1 passes the ball to P2, who takes a shot or passes the ball back to P1 who takes the shot.

Make the floorball drill to the right 2-1 or 2-2

You can add one or two defensemen into this floorball practice to make it 2 vs 1 or 2 vs 2. The defensive players can follow P1 and P2 or meet up from the short end.

Fake a pass to the border

P1 can also make a pass feint towards the border and continue with the ball in the middle and take the shot. P2 goes then for the rebound.